The excellent selection of program and great quality of performance opened the door of the world’s stages for our ensemble, and a lot of tours and concerts.
After only six months of working we were on our first tour:
After only six months of working we were on our first tour:
Montbrison - International Folklore Festival from 1th to 8th October 2003
PhotosMonastir - Festival in honor of the President of Tunisia from 2nd to 9th November 2004
PhotosMalatya - 13th International Folklore Festival from the 9th to 21th July 2005
PhotosValletta - International folk festival from 26th December 2005 to 2nd
January 2006
Hohhot - 5th CIOFF International Festival of Folklore from 26th July
to 5th August 2006
Ordos - 1st CIOFF International Festival of Folklore from 6th to 18th
August 2006
Ankara - "Great Anatolian meeting of the world cultures & youth"
from 15th to 21th May 2008
Great Mexican tour under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Mexico and 4th CIOFF International Folklore Festival in Queretarofrom 15th October to 13th November 2008
PhotosAnkara - "Great Anatolian meeting of the world cultures & youth"
from 15th to 21th May 2009
Prague - International Folklore Festival from 3th to 9th November 2009
PhotosAnkara - "Great Anatolian meeting of the world cultures & youth"
from 15th to 21th May 2010
Istanbul - "Istanbul meeting of the world cultures & youth"
from 10th to 18th July 2010